Right below the bladder sphincter in men is the prostate gland. The prostate gland produces some of the fluid that carries the sperm out of the penis when ejaculation occurs.

The tubes that carry the sperm from the testicles to the penis, called the epididymis, connects into the urethra, which is inside the prostate gland. Because of this connection to the urethra and bladder, infections in the urine are also more likely to affect the prostate or epididymis.

Q: Who is more likely to get epididymitis and prostatitis?

A: Men who use a foley catheter probably have an increased rate of infection in both the prostate and the epididymis.

These infections may also occur when using intermittent catheterization or a suprapubic tube, but with less frequency.


Q: What is the treatment for these infections?

A: These infections are generally treated with oral medications but it often takes weeks to resolve these infections.